Junior dev is refactoring yet again instead of doing the work he is supposed to be doing ...... Feels he has to refactor everything to fit in with his floored idea of the way the system should work ...... Going to be having words with him soon :-(

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    I totally agree, but disagree. Sometime's you have to build from the right foundations and it's good to have the fresh perspective. Plus, it must be a pretty good learning experience for him if he's new to the code base?

    That said, I've been in a situation where the refactor would blow our sprit plan out the water so that's a case of "add it to the backlog and it can be your extracurricular".
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    @mattjbones yeah thats my main problem, not that hes doing refactor work but that hes doing it at the expense of the sprint work.

    cant quite work out if the sprint work is beyond his capabilities, hes bored with the work or just likes to refactor regardless ..... but its starting to interfere with the burn-down.

    He knows that if he has a tech problem he cant figure out all he has to do is ask and i will do all i can to help!
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