About to switch from windows to kali. May the force be with me :P

  • 9
    I personally wouldn't recommend Kali as a main OS. It's more a "boot from live usb" os. You should try elementary, kde neon or maybe even arch if you dare :)
  • 0
    @Dacexi I would say more like debian because kali is based on it.
    Seems like a better choice if OP likes kali
  • 1
    Yeah, Kali is for pentesting. There are far better desktop OSs.
  • 1
    If you want all the awesome tools of kali in a distro designed to also be used as a daily, try parrot sec, I've used it for a while now and love it.
  • 3
    Thanks for the pro tips guys :)
  • 1
    @TheItalianGuy The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.
  • 1
    Very usable as a main OS, but not the best idea. Anything Debian based with Cinnamon will probably be better if you're new to Linux.
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