Hi, I'm a UI/UX designer and I have been working at The Movies Jackets for the past 5 years. I'm confused and wanted to ask that whether I should switch my job or stay here. Please suggest

  • 3
    It's really up to you. If you are happy ( and you know it clap your hands, clap, clap ) there stay and enjoy it ( you can always learn new things in your free time ) and if not explore the ocean of choices around

    we just don't know enough info about your situation to give better advice ;)
  • 5
    as UI/UX designer, you should change your _profession_
  • 1
    If you're confused, stay! What is it that made you confused? Just think 5jr is too long or smth? Do not underestimate what you have (wfh ability or good travel time)
  • 5
    Time to go back to school to be a plumber. Any non hands on work is at risk of being taken over by generative AI.

    Might be 5 years, might be 10 years, it might never happen. But it's a risk.

    My plan is to be homeless and beg the cyborgs for credits on the side of the road so they'll let me back in to the wireheading establishment. Plumbing is a good alternative, though.
  • 1
    Uhhh don’t be a designer eww
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