First rant here...
Hand full of devs have to create a huge web platform that can shovel a lot of data around in about two months which is impossible...
Project lead has left major decisions in the hands of interns like database we want to use because no question can.be answered by that person. Inexperienced intern has chosen a fucking nosql database for highly relational datasets... why? Because new tech...
Development began and a bunch of problems arised... database was accessable from internet from day one. Random crashes because out of memory exceptions. Every possible feature had a description of at most 10 words... and no standards where enforced on anything.

Now that finaaaally we switch to sql after almost a year of prototypical production everybody keeps coding on new features so i have to port all the crap to the new database...

best part: a bunch of clients on different op systems have to be ported as well!

Even better part: i have to do that cause everybody else has practically no experience in any field...

And now the joke: i got hired for gui/desktop application development

Am i a wizard now?

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