Okay, so I need some serious help. Can someone explain why anyone would want to use java spring beyond IoC? Half the developers I work with swing Spring around likes it's excaliber, yet when truly pressed why they like it they all say: "because of beans".

Spring is massive, so why just beans? The IoC pattern is extremely robust, so I'm sure there are other secrets to be learned. It has to have some other significant advantage.

I totally understand things like Jax-RS for REST endpoints. I don't think spring is needed for that to work, is it?

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    Spring wraps the beans in a Spring container. You can write aspect configuration for handling the dependence injection through xml or Java files which are linked to the container. That way you don't have to couple the actual classes anywhere but through the aspect configuration. It's pretty neat. Check out Spring aspect oriented programming (AOP)
  • 1
    @shdw Excellent! Thank you!
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