
So. I began college this year. I will be majoring in Computer Science. There first thing as a new student I did was signed up for the Computer Science Club and excited for the new adventure I asked, "What are we going to do?

President: "Nothing. We don't have any programmers or budget. But you can do whatever you want."

I don't know what I felt: maybe lost? a little dead inside?

What a disappointment.

  • 1
    Rip ur life what college?
  • 1
    Just curious, as I never joined any club at university. Why would you need programmers or budget? Actually caring here by the by.
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    @programmingTrtl Manhattan College in New York City
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    They would need a budget for equipment such as a computer to break to learn its anatomy. I suggested we do robotics with Rasberry Pie or Arduino that it was the president replied with "We don't have any experienced programmers."
  • 1
    No programmers in a computer science club? Did the meaning of computer science change?
  • 0
    @spacem I don't think so. I think is because it is still early in the semester.
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