Today was my last day before taking a week off from work. When I originally pushed my branch, GitHub knew I had 7 files changed. I squashed my commits and pushed so that there was one commit. GitHub then decided I had Infinity files changed. Fun way to end the week, posting “I *swear* that I didn’t just put up a PR for review before taking a week off that has Infinity file changes.”

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    Cool money hall problem lage on your website reasonable cat lady. A friend automated it and claimed it's always better to change door. I do not agree, that's just the python algorithm being not as random. On top of that - chances are 50% imho since it's a given fact that one door always will be opened by the presentor
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    @dontbeevil This is probably true. When I ran a stats diff on it, it took a longer time than is normal to resolve (though it did eventually say it was 7 files 😅)
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    For the “pics or it didn’t happen” crowd
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    Hah. I can only find a single unanswered question about this Infinity issue https://github.com/orgs/community/...
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    why can it display that??
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