My Biggest dev. fear.
Hire a freelancer/partner to share your work load and he might start developing whole project parallaly himself

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    Make him a business partner if you like each other, or modularize the project, and ask the freelancer specific classes/modules/headers to code or implement...

    Maybe make them sign a contract if paranoid?
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    @Jyloor Actually looking for one now. I don't think I will find a good one in the city. Probably a distant one.

    Though the product is promising and I already got a client before going into full production, I don't have enough time to complete every stuff that I planned, at any time soon. I had already invested 6 months of mine on this.
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    @chiragiem36 Congrats for your first client!

    I you have cash, there are ways to systematize your code to be able to have different people work in different parts of the whole.

    Maybe you just need to refactor the thing to make it more scalable...

    Also take into account that shit can go wild with the wrong partner.

    Whatever you do, good luck with the business!
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    @Jyloor not so much cash that I can hire someone.
    Maybe I should fund raise
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