So I have a colleague who never tests and claims to not have time. I've sent him various emails with errors and their solutions, because he keeps breaking my finished code and I'll find out about it by pure luck. I've informed my team lead, I've also informed HR when he got downright nasty in email. But it feels nothing gets done. Today again I get finished code back because the save function is broken. Again changes that weren't tested were made. I'm so sick of this! Do I really have to escalate this to the CEO because nobody takes responsibility? The colleague is a junior in his first role and without a degree. But in the half year I've worked here I've not seen him improve, and he recently had his one year work anniversary :/

  • 3
    Well if you talk to your CEO it will make everyone kinda hate you because of that.
    But if you stay quite you'll get to handle this shit.
    My advise, keep everything documented so that if you are asked why, you have an answer ready
  • 2
    That's a tough problem.

    Who are the stakeholders who get mad when stuff breaks? I would think they would be looking for answers when stuff breaks, and while I usually don't recommend pointing fingers - if it is consistently his fault then they should know about it.
  • 0
    @dfox The people who discover the issues are usually the testers. I should note they are support staff mainly who have been given testing as additional duties, we're too small for proper QA. They will check in TFS who was assigned a certain page and report it in there. Though right now it's my team lead who just gets whole lists of hand written reports and delivers those to the relevant people. So basically the people getting mad is support + the team lead. Neither really care why is breaks, we just need solutions asap as release is soon. And support is getting antsy that we 'keep breaking things' because they fear the flood of support calls when we release like this. Which is what bothers me, the blame goes to the wrong person (assigned person vs who wrote the bug). I have informed the team lead and put him in CC on mails but I don’t think he wants to 'create drama'. Except it's probably his job to talk to my colleague about testing better when editing other people's code :(
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