
-get an idea for a game
-lay down the plan
-prototype with basic shapes
-max hype
-realize that I can't draw/model to save my life
-give up

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    https://voxel.codeplex.com/ super simple to make great looking models. Thank me later ;)
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    @Dacexi I did actually try it already. It's an awesome tool, I'm just not a creative person
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    @rewert I'd say that if you can come up with game ideas and mechanics on your own you're already ahead of the curve in terms of creativity.

    Modelling seems daunting at first, but it has rules to be followed (and broken), and I find it actually has a lot in common with programming.
    I honestly think it's something that can be learned without "talent" if one just get past that "I'm not an artistic person" self-limiting belief.
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