I'm thinking about switching to Sublime Text 3..Used VS Code until now, but its so slow.. I mostly do front end(html, css, js, angular) and a bit of asp.net core.. Someone using Sublime and can recommend some good plugins?

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    @Torbuntu Too bad its slower then VS Code, at least for me
    . I need something reliable and fast, they both are very slow sometimes for me depending how much stuff I have open for work.. Did not notice any slowdown with Sublime..
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    @Torbuntu I never had more then 2 projects open.. Maybe I need to upgrade my laptop
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    @Torbuntu Mine 4.............:(
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    Tried Sublime, so far good performance and speed, can't really complain
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    I really dislike VS Code. Sublime Text 3 is now released, and I much love Sublime Text.
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    Sublime text 3 ftw, as soon as you install it try everything from Boxy, from the icons to the theme settings. Its pure bliss and fast as all hell. Plus, Python is the plugin language :) so you get the language as a frst class citizen of the editor. Atom and vs code are great, but get slow as soon as you start adding plugins, plus vs code asks to be updated every few hours.
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    I switched from Sublime to Atom and I will never go back or ever regret it!
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    I honestly never liked sublime, VS code can be trouble with too many extensions unfortunately :/
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