I like Navicat, but why does it need to be so hard to edit the name of an entity? I'm clicking, double-clicking, triple-clicking. Most of the times nothing happens, but occassianally it suddenly works. I fail to see a pattern for when it works? Anyone have an idea how I'm supposed to talk Navicat into letting me edit entity names?

  • 1
    Just don't use Navicat.
    Why use Navicat in the first place?

    What do you need it for?
    Likely the FAR, far better choice will be DBeaver. But there are alternatives that are lighter if you're not intending it for heavy usage.
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    @AndSoWeCode It seemed as a good choice at the time. I'm using it for making database diagrams and all sorts of charts. Quite nifty tool, I must say, way better than Mind...something that we used before. This DBeaver, is it only for DB administration or can you use it for drawing charts too?
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    @TerriToniAX I saw some chart functionality, but didn't quite use it. For charts I usually resort either to Dia or StarUML (endless nagging evaluation), but I have to draw them manually.

    Charts should be drawn at data schema design step, not when working, and for that, there is StarUML.
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    @AndSoWeCode Well, the charts are for documentation on a conceptual level and need not be 1:1 to the DB schema, or even relate to the DB at all. StarUML might be worth looking into. Thanks for the tip.
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    Just discovered an easy way, just right-click on an entity and click on Rename. Voilá!
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