How do you properly maximize a window on OSX dammit 😡

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    That didn't work 😐 I just want it large enough to cover the screen but not climb on the menu bar...
  • 1
    yeah macOS window management is stuck in the 90ties.

    i use shiftit
    GitHub - fikovnik/ShiftIt: Managing windows size and position in OSX
  • 0
    Is that a thing? I was convinced that macOS didn't have this
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    doubleclick on the title.
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    As default maximising will go as big as the window ‘needs’ to be, whilst still being under your max resolution set.
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    Get yourself the app "magnet". It allowes window-resizing by dragging them to certain Border-parts. Dragging up will make than as full screen as it gets, without going into actual fullscreen mode: https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/...
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