

  • 2
    So many better things to do with a 1000 dollars.😁
  • 4
    I'm not sure I get the 'fun day out' part of this.
  • 5
    Is the joke that he's going to go shoot furries? Not sure I get the humor
  • 12
    The joke is that it's actually cheaper to be a terrorist than to buy yourself an iPhone. Sure this is dark humour, but it still made me laugh. Maybe because that's actually a sad truth about the world we're living in right now, and just for this reason the "joke" is not so bad. After it makes you laugh it should makes you think, at least a little.
  • 1
    Still don't understand the furcon ticket in this context
  • 1
    I think @iam13islucky is right for the ticket, it's just the location for a possible terrorist attack.
    Why target a furries convention instead of, let's say, world most rich capitalists for example ? Well, I don't know the meaning of this meme's author, but... We have to admit that targetting innocent public gatherings is also a sad truth about today's world terrorists.
  • 0
    @bottswana put it this way: I don't think they like furries.

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