
"We use WSDL and SOAP to provide data APIs"
- Old-fashioned but ok, gimme the service def file
(The WSDL services definition file describes like 20 services)
- Cool, I see several services. In need those X data entities.
"Those will all be available through the Data service endpoint"
- What you mean "all entities in the same endpoint"? It is a WSDL, the whole point is having self-documented APIs for each entity format!
"No, you have a parameter to set the name of the data entity you want, and each entity will have its own format when the service return it"
- WTF you need the WSDL for if you will have a single service for everything?!?
"It is the way we have always done things"

Certain companies are some outdated-ass backwater tech wannabees.
Usually those that have dominated the market of an entire country since the fucking Perestroika.

The moment I turn on the data pipeline, those fuckers are gonna be overloaded into oblivion. I brought popcorn.

  • 12
    Legacy developers will always build legacy system no matter what tech they use and any standard can be abused to build legacy systems.
  • 6
    "Have you heard of our lord and savior GraphQL?"
  • 4
    @Lensflare I think they haven't heard of "cloud computing". They have a fucking on-premises overgrown freezer as their "data processing centre".
  • 1
  • 1
    It's a good thing for teams who are stuck in their ways to get feedback. And suggestions for how to change.

    Sometimes it's the first time in years a team has gotten a suggestion to change.

    (And consider - the people who are running the service now might have inherited it, and had no incentive to force their current users to change their api calls, until someone demands a change)
  • 2
    @Lensflare Inb4 "heretic! Burn him on the pyre with the rest of the SOAP fanatics!"
  • 0
    @Wisecrack yes! 👹
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