So I want to know, can I shill at least one of my "working" sites here? I want to do measure some organic/natural traffic on this so original site(/sarcasm)

Also Im want to know if there are people here interested to help me out with my other site if they could ... specially since my finances will perhaps force me soon to take a local (retail) job to afford "normal" living

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    excuse the bad english, Im beyond sleep deprived currently, me brain no works good right now
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    What's your other site like?
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    @AllenII the "working" site is legionfront.me , the other one is kind of what you get when you put in a blender youtube + soundcloud + pinterest and blend it together (whenever that sounds like sometime awesome or a human atrocity well, iunno), Im currently migrating the site to another server and I will upload the code of it to a private gitlab repository for those that wish to help on it
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    will the other site bring you money? If not, do you have a project that will bring you money? focus on that. I saw you posted a vps also... what would the cost be?
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    @penderis My main interest with both this site and the other one is only make money to make the site at least self-sustainable since I sure wont always foot the server/CDN bills but that is not the reason why I decide to make them at first, I want to run a site that is not an Orwellian nightmare in the making, I do have other projects that are for more for profit focused at first... until I got fucked in the initial review by their financial teams not wishing to work with me
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