
How do you guys feel about privacy after watching series like "Person of interest" or "Mr Robot" ?

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    My views on privacy hasn't changed, but that's probably because I already know what can be done using tools like metasploit, ncrack, John the ripper, etc. there's one rule that is always true in security "once they have physical access all bets are off", so that being said "what privacy?"
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    I actively use TAILS on my laptop and Tor+Orfox on my rooted Android phone, but use Botnet 10 on my desktop because I'm not that autistic. I feel everyone should care about their internet privacy.
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    @Tippy watch episode one of mr. robot and you'll know why tails isn't enough
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    I also keep my data on external harddrives and physically disconnect them most if the time. Other than that, the fight is futile. You have to have peace of mind at some point.
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    @Tippy yeah true, my setup is kinda overboard even though I know it won't stop somebody if I'm targeted. I have aes hard drive encryption on my laptop and my sync server(owncloud), with openvpn and tor. kinda makes hacking me not worth it for random hackers
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    I honestly think Person of Interest and Mr. Robot lacks reality. There's simply no method at this very moment to decrypt hardcore encrypted files. NSA + it's partners admitted many times that they struggle and can not do anything about it (yet).
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    @YoungWebRebelz I'm not saying this is the absolute reality, but it still should make us think about it
    Plus, I'm sure that NSA don't share everything and they can easily lie about many things
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    @Gawk Well good point there. Call me paranoid if you want, but this single minded push to AES sets off alarms for me. The lack of mentioning other viable options like Blowfish and Twofish makes me think "sock puppets" and leaves me believing that they do have a way to attack AES. That alone is enough to convince me to use another option, especially when they're also unbroken, I guess.
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    @YoungWebRebelz As someone who works with encryption, blowfish and twofish can both be cracked. RSA encryption is the new big security feature everyone's implementing because it takes crazy supercomputers to crack them, and even then, takes a lot of time.
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    @Tippy Good to know. Thanks for the information!
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