
lol so I got a new oldish laptop (so it doesn't break the bank) for my upcoming trip where I focus on working on my own project.

Didn't want to splurge since I have another laptop that I regularly use. just didn't want to take through customs since it's 8 years old.

Already used up half of the storage (128/256gb) from installing rider and wsdl lol.

thinking maybe I need to actually return it and get a more powerful machine o.o they are so expensive though

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    and what the shit is with the dumb keyboard design. why would you make shift smaller to make room for an *extra* \ key!
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    Laptops are shit for development in general. Code at home and use a PC.
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    @Oktokolo LaPtoPs aRe ShiT fOr deVelOpMenT iN GeneRaL. Dude
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    Buy and install a bigger SSD? 1TB ones are $40 now.
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    I personally use a laptop docked to a nicer monitor, keyboard and mouse.
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    Just upgrade the storage. I might've also scored myself an older laptop. They did a blind auction at work so I just put a little bid on one of the old machines. I'll find out monday
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    @ostream Nice. The one I bid on is a Samsung NP900X3C
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    @ostream Laptops are more expensive for the same specs, they are generally harder to cool therefore noisier when actually being used and to make them actually viable for coding, you have to attach a bigger monitor, a full-sized keyboard and probably also a mouse anyways.

    In the end, laptops have their use cases. They are perfect for sales people who actually need to travel to customers in person and create very personalized offers and contracts interactively at location. They are also perfect for technicians who need to maintain machinery which isn't remotely accessible.

    But for a coder, they're normally just a symptom of something similar to range anxiety. Sure you could maybe end up traveling a few weeks and then might occasionally continue working on your holiday - workaholics exist after all. But in practice it will likely be docked almost all the time.
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    @ostream Yep, literally being a nomad is one of the few exceptions where a laptop makes sense.
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    @Oktokolo otoh, if you really need performance, you use a server anyway. The performance of cpus increases so fast that a decent laptop of today equals a decent desktop from a couple years ago. And both deliver acceptable performance today.
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    @TheBeardedOne update, someone out bid me
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    As for the extra key, it probably has the ISO layout.
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