There’s a lot of talk about contributions to open source now, and I was wondering what are some of your incentives to contribute?

In the past, the only times I have contributed to projects is when it’s my friend’s or I’m fixing the bugs for that project because the codebase I’m working on uses it. I am selfish right, so why would I go and search for platforms to contribute on when I don’t even know the creators themselves or where it’s used? I suppose if the project was used for altruistic means in some way, I’d be more inclined. Frankly though, I’m too lazy to contribute now, and I’m also super busy to consider it usually. What are your thoughts?

  • 4
    I only contribute to projects I am using myself and find a bug that gets in my way or lack a feature that I need. Ofc I can patch and recompile it locally, but that would mean future version updates would most likely break my app as my changes won't be there.

    As a bonus, it feels and sounds good :)
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    @Nanos if it works for what you want, then it's good.
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    I’d be inclined to think that most FOSS contributions are made by people who need the solution in the first place. Hard to believe anyone would want to spend too much time on a project if there’s nothing in it for them (other than the learning experience perhaps)
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    @Nanos just gotta drive fast enough so snow won’t stick to the car
  • 1
    @netikras @Nanos @black-kite thanks all I don’t feel like a bad coder anymore
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    @Nanos I live by one rule in life to never hit the brakes
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