Noobie here. I always wanted to learn coding except free online websites never really helped me and I don't have money for paid courses. Is it better to use a book? If so what book? Or should I just stick to free online websites? I had a friend who taught me for a little but but she was a noob too so she eventually reached her limit. Anyone here nice enough to teach me how to code with no pay? No? Okay worth a shot 😂

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    maybe you can try hackerrank.com as well
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    The real question is, what do you want to be able to do with your code?

    Phone Apps?
    Desktop Applications?
    AI / Machine Learning?
    Something Else?

    When you can answer that, then you can be pointed into the correct direction.
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    @C0D4 I want to make video games for sure. First I want to start with phone games for the experience then eventually move to computer games
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    @2erXre5 thanks I'll check it out
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    @fun2code I used sololearn for a little bit then I stopped I'll get back into it since it seems really popular and reliable according to other people
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    Step 1. Learn Lua (total basics will be enough)
    Step 2. Download Love2D and go through tutorial on their website.
    Step 3. Have fun

    Having a red sqare on a black background respond to keypresses was one of the best experiences I had in my dev life.
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    @infinite-lifes i made my first game in c++ 😂

    The "controllable red square over black bg" feeling of success was amazing

    Good times
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    @rangler I hope my first time is as good as yours 😂
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    @infinite-lifes alright I'll try lua and check out that website thanks
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    @Paralyze why start with phone games they aren't any easier to make.
    My advise would be to start out with something like game maker or unity then you avoid having to learn to code the engine, for a beginner would be the biggest road block.
    Plus there is a massive amount of tutorials for both which would be specific to your goal of making a game
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