Just found out the contractor we hired help us with our app is making twice what I make. I guess I should be a contractor right?

  • 4
    Don't forget that he's not getting your same benefits and has to pay higher taxes. He's probably making a bit more considering all that, but not twice.
  • 3
    Not to mention that the contactor is most likely a temporary position, where as yours is permanent. in my state, contractors pay 40% in taxes compared to the permanent ft that pays 21%.
  • 1
    But it's still not fun to hear the person reporting to you is costing your company more than you. Just trickle a little more my way please.
  • 1
    So, you would prefer cold hard cash to the amount of benefits, vacation, and pensions that you may be getting in the long run?

    I don't know if you have a family, but I would be grateful for what you have. Being a contractor sucks.

    If it bothers you that much, ask for a raise.
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