Django was the first web framework I learned. I didnt understood the praises for its documentation ... Until I started using Flask...

  • 2
    I also wanted to get into Django, it's going to be my first Framework :3 Nice to hear that it has a good documentation! Sad to hear you had to suffer with documentation of another project..
  • 2
    Django is about one of the only frameworks whose documentation really brings a smile to my face. To me it is the perfect mixture of "for beginners and experienced alike" in which there is some hand holding while at the same time providing all the specifics for more advanced use cases. If that were not enough, the tutorial is absolutely amazing. The ror framework has some good docs as well. Laravel in comparisson...i hate the docs, but I love the framework.
  • 0
    Learned Django didn like it even a bit where as node.js was total ❤️ and fast. Yea Flask has a bit clean structure.
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