I just wanted to show off my battle station.
I figured that some would appreciate it. :)

  • 2
    Not bad 😏 but where's the cup of coffee? I also want one of these server tower thingies but I don't think I would find a use for it (I'm still in school so I can't afford one anyways). Just find them sexy :)
  • 2
    @b3b3 haha it was on my other desk in front of all this! :p

    And hey, if you’re not too picky, this rack cost me $50 on Craigslist. There are deals out there! I got this when I was a student. :)
  • 2
    @soolkiki I was thinking about building it myself. We have got metal workshops in our school. I guess I could just use the tools there to build a custom one :3
    Thanks for the idea my friend! I know what I'll be up to this week 😝
  • 2
    @b3b3 don't, they are pretty specific with rail mounting and such.

    And knowing me, I'd start but never finish. And I doubt that you can make it for less then 50 with material and man hours.
  • 2
    A lot of Dells.
    How are the fans?

    I got myself a FDR Infiniband switch and I can't use that thing until I do something to the fans and cooling in general.
    1U and not 2 like in your case though.
  • 1
    @RageBone wow. That's motivating...
  • 1
    @b3b3 sorry.
    But realistic.

    Well, do what you like!

    And be aware that servers are normally ment for High density and that kicks silent operation of the list.

    I can't use my 1u switch because he's louder then a fucken jet at takeoff.

    I'm exaggerating but you hopefully get my point.
  • 1
    @b3b3 I should have said: " go for it".
    Sorry. Again.

    I just know me and I tend to start like 50 projects and about 10% get finished, the rest ends up somewhere.

    Building it yourself would have benefits if you manage to finish it.

    Never the less, good luck and success on your journey!
  • 1
    @RageBone some problem here... Guess I'll have to somehow create a non high density one. I totally understand your point tho. I just was a bit salty coz I just woke up from 1h of total sleep...
  • 2
    @b3b3 I couldn't sleep well either.

    Have a good day. : )
  • 0

    Sure is! :)
  • 0
    @RageBone the normal towers there are fine.
    The poweredges? Yeah, they’re more for when I really need them. They’re usually off because of how loud they are haha
  • 1
    Monitors don't match 😢
  • 0
    @soolkiki what's in those power edges?

    And what do you use it for?
  • 0
    @mang not yet haha
  • 0
    I can’t remember the cpu models, but there’s a couple of quad core xeons in both servers, they each have 32 and 16gb of RAM respectfully and I have about 1TB of hdd space in a raid 10 configuration.
    They are poweredge 2950s gen 3, so they’re about 8 years old. Picked them up from work after they were retired for about $50 a pop. :)
  • 0
    So, I use them for configuration playing. Building new VMs, hosting my git repository and such.
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