
Any tips for eye soreness? I don't feel it when I am working in front of the computer but it gets sore at the end of the day and few minutes in the morning the day after.I typically see the screen for around 9 hours.

Is this common? How do you devs overcome this? How do you devs protect your eyes? I'd like to get any tips from you people.


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    I had that, turns out i hard a cornea problem.

    I had to go dark themed everything where possible and turn the brightness down somewhat so the strain wasn’t as bad.

    I ended up with glasses 😟 and try and reduce screen time (that doesn’t go so well )
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    Use a screen filter software like lux
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    Try reminding yourself to look away every few hours and blink a few times. Also use a screen filter like f.lux to help your eyes. Believe me, you don't want your eyes to dry out. It feels like something is inside, even though there isn't.
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    My personal tips as someone with an allergy:
    1) Every 20 to 30 minutes, look at an object in a long distance for 30 seconds.
    2) Don't forget to blink. If you think about a problem, close your eyes, if you can.
    3) Be in a well illuminated room, but don't have a spotlight directly on you screen.
    4) Have the right distance to your screen.
    5) There are special eye drops. They don't contain any medicine, but keep your eyes wet.
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    @Scade thanks a lot for the tips
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