There is a special place in hell for people that use Boostrap, only to destroy it and recreate to destroy it and recreate for "customisation purpose"

I just spent a whole day figuring out what the fuck was going on with the collapse system that wouldn't trigger or was dying to trying to, only to discover that someone played the smartass by adding or removing a class when the collapse was triggered, so it would put everything in display:none


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    @ThatDude I don't think either, I'm doing fine without it, but well, I went here after they put it in the project, and it doesn't allow anyone to torture it anyway :')
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    I've about grown tired of bootstrap. Its big, bulky, and used absolutely everywhere. Its popular becausE it's well known and I get that, but there are other frameworks and libraries to that don't fuck up everything else you do.I've been using materialize recently and love it. Its simple butt with additional custom stylings you can make a sleek professional looking interactive page.
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    @DLMousey Well i checked and it's aria-expanded, so we're both wrong 😂
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    I use Bootstrap to make my life easier for people who don't want customized websites & just want something working. I personally prefer to do it without Bootstrap for anything customizable.
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