
I'm gonna have an interview that will include talking about php. Problem is, I haven't touched php in 5 years. What do I need to know to sound like I know what I'm talking about? "Mmm yes I really like Laravel dependency injection, it makes managing dependencies so much easier"?

  • 0
    If you talk about Laravel, throw some package names at them, they'll know that you know some things like

    Sanctum, Passport (API), Composer, Spatie, Barryvdh/Dompdf, IoC container, Octane, Swoole etc.
  • 0
    How much of the job is PHP?

    PHP hasn't been my main focus for a few years, but I have used this, this, and this. What I have focused on lately is this, this, and this.
  • 1
    I suggest you read up on PHP 8.0 to the upcoming 8.3
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    If you would try that with me you won't get hired. I would read right through the bullshit trying to hide the gaps.

    Of course it depends on the person interviewing you but I would focus on ensuring they have a good idea of who you are as a person and the knowledge and experience you do bring. Assuming you were a good (PHP 7) dev that should be plenty.
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