Should I go to a rave in the rain alone today? I have no drugs and I’m afraid of hypothermia…

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    Totallii chonkii
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    Hypothermia is slightly less of an issue if you don't take drugs. On the other hand, the rain is probably more annoying if you don't have drugs.
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    Hypothermia isn't an issue as long as you keep dancing. But you might need to come up with a way to keep warm between and after the dancing.

    And of course it aint fun if you don't like to dance in the rain or (depending on the severity of the rain) while soaking wet.
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    @lorentz yeah I didn’t go for similar reasons lol
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    What a wuz, @chonky-quiche
    Never been to a festival?
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    @scor last time I went to a festival it was a trip hell lmao. Also going alone to things like this for me isn’t that fun anymore..
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