Well payed co-worker is always crying about others salary being more than his...Fucking hate that guy. Remember he is just a fresher and is being paid way more than he fucking deserves. Today he exploited someone to gain access of other co-worker's pay scale information and kept obsessing over it all day long...!
Fucking prick is going to get away with it...And I can't do anything about it...!!!

  • 4
    And that's why I love the idea of equal pay. Like a transparent pay, every one in a certain department get for the same job (title) the same pay plus a raise every year if they meet the goals, plus additional (transparent and same for all) raise for certain "certificates"/functions.

    That way no one will feel that he/she is getting to much/not enought, no one (should be) is healouse and there will by design not be a pay gap between genders/ethics and so on.
  • 0
    @Wack First off, pay gaps don't exist. If anyone is paid more, it's because of skill, experience, any other merit, or the boss likes them more, which businesses are perfectly allowed to do.
  • 0
    @SpencerBeige If they exist or note is another discussion, however, why have any room for doubt and not simply eliminate that possibility by design?
  • 1
    @wack Guys this rant is not about pay gap...It is to show, how some people manage to be unsatisfied, no matter what and make other people's day bad too... Complaining, crying about what they don't have or deserve.
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