I'm getting a patent to my name. Yay!

  • 19
    Specifics please. :) got China on the line.
  • 3
    @GodHatesMe I sense a story. Do tell.
  • 2
    @GodHatesMe well I said patent. Not copyright to your name. 😁
  • 1
    What is the patent for? You obviously can't give any Details (yet), but I am interested what you did.
  • 0
    Big congrats dude. Do tell us about it in the future 😃
  • 3
    @jobylie solved a problem that some other programmers said wasn't possible. 😋
  • 2
    @jobylie I'll tell you guys when it's done. 😁
  • 0
    Subbed for updates
  • 1
    Don't mind me, I'm just a curious person that wants to learn the end of the story 😃 Well done btw :P
  • 14
    A part of the story.
    A set of students from the medical Healthcare sector came to me to ask if it was possible to solve a problem using a phone.
    They had asked some programmers working in some large company whether it was possible and they had said that it wasn't.
    I said "let me see"
    I found a solution to the problem. I managed to build an app that would demonstrate.
    The students presented this at their conference and won a national award.
    Lots of attention from universities abroad.
    Finally, they are going to patent this and will be receiving a grant that will take this forward to a full fledged product.
    I'm excited.
  • 0
  • 0
    @esaysimyan That's crazy!
    Congratulations mate! Sounds amazing!
  • 0
    Wow, congrats! I'm exited to hear the whole story, I hooe it won't take too long to get this patent.
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