
Client: send me your CV

Me: sends github/LinkedIn

I'm done, if it's not enough bye.. I hate CVs

  • 7
    Exactly, I maintain my LinkedIn to always reflect my full history, achievements and projects / portfolio.

    If they ask for a CV, I export LinkedIn to PDF and send that over.
  • 4
    Im working on a CV auto-generation from a page that is display on my personal website, fully customisable 😁
  • 1
    @Drillan767 wow that's brilliant, I should really consider that..
  • 1
    I send them my GitHub page, my personal website (which has my CV laid out is a super tidy way), and my StackOverflow Developer Story thing
  • 3
    I guess you're a millenials
  • 0
    @dprimax definitely.. Like who Fucking cares about a CV
  • 4
    I love it when they write to you "Hey, we had a look on your github page. Maybe this job could be interesting for you..."
  • 1
    And how exactly is a tech-illiterate client supposed to extract any useful information from your GitHub profile?
  • 2
    Some people still need to file your cv.

    What I do is export it from LinkedIn as pdf and give them a link to it anyway.
  • 2
    @mundo03 True.. LinkedIn is the way forward
  • 2
    I don't really like LinkedIn, but I put a link to it on my CV, along with my nearly empty Stackoverflow and Github profiles...ain't got time to be doing public stuff on social developer networks.

    Said he as he posted to DevRant.
  • 1
    @Shodan ☮️😁😀😁😀
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