Interviewer: So, we were researching you online and came across your devRant profile.

Me: Ok, I'll see myself out. Thanks.

  • 2
    Time to change some usernames. 😂
  • 6
    That sounds much more credible than "I discovered your GitHub profile and want to ask you for your sincere feedback as a senior developer" though.
  • 1
    I'm changing username ASAP 😂
    lest some shithead hater fish me out & wait for me 6 months later 👀
  • 1
    @fraktalisman it's gonna happen after the interview 😂
    employed as a mid-level dev & giving advice as seniordev
  • 2
    I consider giving up my old nickname every other year. It shouldn't be hard to guess which real-world person it's connected to, but then again, you can never be 100% sure, so at least there is nothing against me legally, whatever I will write here.

    And there are some other people and projects with similar nicknames, which lowers the probability even more.

    Last but not least: a company that would criticize any of my devrant posts will probably be wrong about other things as well, so I wouldn't sign a contract. And I'm self employed so I mostly deal with people who don't even know (or care) about devrat
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