I just realized that my music stopped three hours ago and I didn't notice until now.

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    You were up and listening music at 8am on a Saturday? 😴
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    I mean, there's holiday for two weeks now, so why not.
  • 6
    This happens to me more often then it should. I usually notice within an hour.
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    Focusing FTW
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    @Jop- I put on music to stop environmental noise, but if the playlist is over and I'm concentrated I don't notice.
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    @Jop- To drown out background noise and to help me focus. So I say it serves its purpose well!
  • 4
    @Jop- Theres a difference between random background noise and music. A huge one. Music helps me focus.
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    @PrivateGER every time I'm alone and I start an IDE, I'll start Spotify too

    I feel better when I'm developing and listening to music
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