
Something weird happens when doing something heavy in JetBrains IDE:
When I compile a project or when I just try to load one the music I'm listening to is scratching.
That's weird!

  • 2
    probably the sound of technical debt
  • 2
    That's just the sound of Java doing it's work.
  • 0
    This is odd I use the ide daily.

    Is there anything odd about your system config?

    Which os are you using?

    What media player?
  • 0
    @orto it happens on my laptop too, I'm using Windows 10 and Spotify
  • 1

    I use win 10 as well Netflix + deezer+all the web browsers

    ie isn't a web browser

    I'll try spotify it might be app specific .

    Does it happen when your using other services.
  • 0
    @orto I've just noticed it with JetBrains IDEs
  • 1
    Yeah want to give them useful support ticket if I can repeat it.

    So they can fix it.

    Love their stuff.
  • 0
    @orto Found out that it might be the audio card of my motherboard to cause the problem

    It happens even when I overload a game, even though the system doesn't lag, I can hear scratching from the audio output
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