
Shout-out to the German Bundesbahn (railway company) for using debian on their infotainment systems inside the trains!

But please, make them reliable... I regularly see systems stuck in boot and kernel panics as soon as they start...

But hey, it's the right direction :)

  • 2
    Yay not like the oebb which uses Windows
  • 0
    Lol the German Bundesbahn and SBB (Swiss Bundesbahn) share their tracks here at the lake constance. Both using Win.
  • 1
    @b3b3 That's strange... I saw some ticket stations using win xp... But then again, the infotainment systems are relatively "new", and I saw some systems in their desktop environment
  • 0
    The ones of the Saint Petersburg metro use Ubuntu. I know, because I saw one stuck at GRUB for a few days.
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