My first rant...

Every time a coworker asks for an enhancement, the request is followed by "it should be easy to implement".

1) If you think it's easy, then you obviously know the code better than me, right?
2) The idea of the enhancement may be easy, but you don't think about how a small change can have a cascading effect throughout the entire process... and potentially in a catastrophic way.

Happens every time. Maybe I'm just bitch eating crackers at this point, but it annoys me when people analyze something they have no idea how to write themselves.

  • 6
    No, you're definitely not "bitch eating crackers" (care to explain that, because I've never heard it?). That's definitely a huge pet peeve for many here.

    Also welcome to devRant!
  • 8
    Once you hate someone, everything they do is offensive... "look at this bitch eating crackers like she owns the place"
  • 5
    I think your case was happened to others, including me. But when that moment happened, I always reply the conversation with this template sentence: "I already removed such as "easy, only & simple" words from my life since 2004"
    And usually they start giggling after hear my reply.

    IMHO no matter how they were, they will never knew about our devWorld. I always think of them like a Bulk and Skull, and we are the Power Ranger.
  • 2
    Welcome to youuuuuu! Go get yourself an avatar!
  • 1
    Welcome Mate :)
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