
IDEs vs Text Editors? Wanted to get your opinions.

IDE- code suggestion(auto completion), easier to configure build options

Text editors- minimalistic and...?

  • 4
    What would you class VS code and notepad++ as in that case?
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    IDE - syntax awareness, function definition awareness, quick click navigation, etc

    Text editor - do you want spaces or tabs?
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    I've come to the conclusion that IDEs are just text editors with an immutable set of built-in plugins. That limits customizability and increases their resource footprint on potentially unused/unwanted features.

    I prefer my editors light, with only the features I want. Sublime does this amazingly well.
  • 6
    IDE: think of editors like Visual Studio,Eclipse And what not.
    Over bloated resource hogs that you would use say 10% of the features on an average day.

    Editor: lightweight, lack the bloated functionality of an IDE, and just let you do your job. (Notepad++ , Vim)

    IDE like Editor: Vs code / Atom / sublime:
    Lightweight editors that allow you to customise to your needs and become as bloated as you choose.

    I prefer the IDE like editors the most. Customised to my needs and if a plugin starts chewing resources I can just remove it and find an alternative.
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    @Lahsen2016 guess I'll never learn how to use it lol
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    When I work on Linux/Mac it can be the simplest notepad there is. Compiling anything on Windows is a IDE must have for me, because almost nothing works on cmd.
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    Sometimes there isn't any or decent ide's so you have to use text editors but if there is a really good ide like visual studio i prefer ide's
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    Depends on the language and the program you develop.

    For light scripts and web development text editors,
    For heavy programs and compiled languages- IDES
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    I prefer IDEs and I'm totally in love with live codeanalysis. I liked static code analysis for some time now but roslyn doing that while typing is really cool.
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    I want to prefer text editors (vim <3) but code completion and quick fixing sucks too much ass in them. So I have to live with an IDE with shitty vim emulation.
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    IDE - good for huge projects
    Text editor - good for rapid prototyping
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    I used Visual Studio, then went to CLion... then vim, and now settled with emacs... may change again someday or may not... but imo...

    IDE: cool debugging features and project manager built in

    Editor: so much more snappy and works as u want it... code completion is available too albeit maybe not as good as such a big IDE like VS and CLion...

    M a C/C++ guy btw 🙂
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