
Hardware development needed 3 months more than estimated so PM cuts this time on the software development to keep the schedule.
That's gonna be a big success.

  • 5
    Who made the schedule that ended up being late 3 months?
  • 7
    Stupid PM asking for failure.
  • 4
    No I think the PM has a secret ace up his sleeve. Theres a little unknown PM trick to speed up software development, if you yell at the devs, they write code faster. You guys will be fine, don't worry
  • 3
    @gitpush Many things in any develpment are late, and everybody knows it. The software development will surely be late, too. It wouldn't be a problem if that was taken into account.

    But nevertheless PMs always plan things straight to the given deadlines.
    And then they wonder when things don't end up like planned.

    That behaviour is just the next step, and the "excuse" was: "We cannot change the deadline, it has to be finished at that date".

    So, thanks PM, for turning your planning failure a few month ago and your current problem into my problem.
  • 2
    @enen Software development doesn't differ at that point, it's usually also late.

    What's annoying me so much is, that everybody knows it, but so many people don't care and just make best case plans.
  • 2
    @ddephor it seems your PM doesn't do risk management the way he needs to, IF he ever does risk management
  • 2
    @practiseSafeHex I think you got it.
    I'll go tell my PM that secret trick :-)

    Fast development means better software quality, right? If I write the software real quick there is less time to make mistakes.
  • 2
    @gitpush After this conversation I have to say, risk is his middle name. Obviously the Evil Knievel of project management.

    (not sure if this is sarcasm or gallows humour)
  • 1
    That’s fucked up
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