
Installed Manjaro KDE, updated macOS, updated Windows and fixed the mess in the EFI made by those actions.
And now it’s time for screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KviNx
(high-res imgur link)

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    @Jilano The forums I read about hackintoshing suggested Clover or Chimera and I looked into their features and chose Clover.

    I found out about rEFInder just a few weeks ago but I am happy with Clover and I will probably stick with it.

    Info: I don’t play too much with macOS because it became my main OS and I don’t want to break my workflow.
  • 2
    Why do you think we need pictures of your generic af desktops that everybody knows. You didn't even uninstalled the windows bloatware shit apps
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    @Kimmax I don’t give half fuck for windows appearance and built in apps, I need to compile cross platform programs for and on it and play games.

    And I posted this because I was and am happy.
  • 0
    I can't stand KDE for some reason. Any advice to make it look and feel decent?
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