
Woke up

Sit at computer

Start to code cause i have a lot of shit to do and i have to do it in a fast enough timeframe

Stomach: nah hold on remember the recruiter from yesterday? The one who posted a job requirements of 3+ years experience, you told him you have 8+ years and he rejected you because you don't have 10+ years? Yeah. You feeling that in your stomach? That's the bullshit from yesterday that piled up now. Go and take a shit now

And now im wasting my time writing this rant while shitting the bullshit from yesterday. I hate shitting. But recruiters make me shit so much. Recruiters somehow transfer wirelessly their bullshit onto me so i have to dump the shit somewhere else. Cant hold it in me from the huge mass of the bullshit they have.

Woke up and didnt even have time to start coding from how much my belly wanted to shit. By writing this pointless poentry of a rant to kill some time until i dump all the bullshit out and finally start coding my side project asap i imagine this toilet to be the face of all recruiters. Clients. Jobs. Schools. Colleges. Teachers. Everyone who deceived me and wasted my time. Truly fuck off and get fucked

  • 2
    Shit is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.
  • 2
    You could really start a SaaS Company.
    Shit as a service.
  • 3
    @coldfire "We deliver the shit to anyone, whether they like it or not!"
  • 2
    @Lensflare Yeah, and the logo is a guy with a cape and a shit emoji on his chest in a underwear 😂😂😂
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