I am getting so triggered over kids that post about how they want to program in java and laugh about their CS teachers teaching them old c++

  • 4
    I love Java and C++. Mostly Java for smaller applications and C++ for tools that i want in my PATH because stupid `java -jar name.jar`.
  • 4
    I haven't seen a single post like that?
  • 0
    To be honest, Java was my first real language I've learned, started learning C++ some months ago.

    I can still say that I had no problem with Java even though I didn't learn C++
  • 1
    A lot of programs do not need the performance gain c++ can(!) provide. Java, or C# what I do prefer, is easier to learn, provides more guidance and their "standard libraries" come with nearly everything you need.
    But yes starting with c++ is not a bod idea. In my school we have started with PLC control programming and then learned Intel 8085 assembler. It was a lot of fun. 😃
  • 1
    Discovering Groovy and Kotlin somehow also made me like Java.
  • 2
    Kotlin ❤️
  • 0
    C++ was basically my first lang.

    Well, old C++ (98 one???) is something you shouldn't start with anymore. He should use something released in this century.
  • 0
    C/C++ should be everyone's first language.
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