Help me out please, ranters. Have you ever given up on a freelance project while developing it because of stress/constant issues, and when would you think is an appropriate time for it?

I have a project involving using 2 APIs to pass information back and forth and tell one of them to do things. The one that needs instructions is giving me a hard time. I'm at the point where a workaround for my current issue would involve constantly creating new items in the database/installation (reusing one was the original approach but I have discovered that that is no longer feasible), but this would also be a nightmare to track because each item has associated analytics. I haven't gotten paid for this and don't really expect to, and I won't starve if I do ditch it. It'll be a blow to my ego though.

The project isn't overly complex but I do dread working on it. My work days end with a thought of "great, now I get to go home and work on my OTHER project that is a dud".

What are your thoughts?

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