I just tried to tab auto complete a URL in firefox address bar. Guess it's time to sleep now.

  • 0
    happens to me frequently.. 😂
  • 2
    Lol I thought I was the only one! Even on my fucking phone I try to use tab

    1) *opens browser*
    2) *starts typing URL*
    3) *presses tab*
    4) "why is dis shiet not wörkin?"
    5) *starts spamming tab to get some possible commands*
    6) *realizes there's no tab on aosp keyboard and I'm not in the terminal*

    Halp, I'm retarded
  • 1
    now I'll tell you, that should work

    someone need to make a plug-in out of this
  • 1
    Killer feature though
  • 0
    I usually do Ctrl+Espace to get suggestions about what to do... in fb...
  • 3
    Entering ':wq'

    Wondering why vim isn't closing.

    Realising that I'm actually in VS Code while linter starts to vomit about it.
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