Out of the Operating Systems, I think Windows has the best file moving system.

Yes, you're unable to transfer files if they're currently in use, but you can start new file moving jobs in the middle of a current file moving process, and as of Windows 7, files that are unable to be moved for whatever reason don't cancel out the entire move.

Linux is next best because files will move regardless of if they're in use or not, and a file that is unable to be moved for whatever reason also won't cancel the entire move. However, if a new file move process is started, it will pause until the current move job is completed, which is a pain if moving a lot of large files.

Mac is the worst. One failed move results in cancelling the entire process. If a file will be duplicated or is unable to be moved, if you cancel that specific move, you have to start it all over again. No way to cancel or skip, just start it all over.

  • 5
    Didn't know that about Mac, sounds awful, I move around files a lot
  • 1
    Copy or move; the same problems exist with all three platforms.
  • 1
    For me on Cinnamon, I can only have one copy process at a time. That may be the issue.
  • 1
    What DE/WM do you use? I'd like to test this theory
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