
Anyone here uses vim as an ide? I just read about it and was wondering if that is possible ... And if it really works well ...

I know, if I want an ide I should use an actual ide, but I thought this might be interesting, since vim is so powerful like everyone said.

  • 3
    I do. I would research various plugins depending on what you program in that make it a little better. I have various linters, syntax highlighting, and definitely use the nerdtree plugin.
  • 3
    I do. I use vim+tmux, with the right plugins it can do almost anything. And when i say almost i mean none of this drag and drop design
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    @turturtles @PerfectAsshole @runfrodorun thank you three four sharing this ... I'll give it a try. ATM I would need this for TypeScript and Python.
  • 0
    Hell no i have never tried to use it as an ide
  • 2
    I want to, but I cant get autocompletion etc. to not suck ass
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    Use Tmux with it though
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    Last time I tried, I did get ConqueGDB only half-working, and integrated degugging capabilities are a core feature of IDEs in my opinion
  • 2
    Vim 8 and Neovim are on a similar level now, but I'd recommend:
    - a plugin manager such as Vundle
    - ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine)
    - Syntastic
    - nvim-completion-manager
    - Most tpope plugins such as surround.vim, fugitive and rhubarb
  • 1
    Thanks for sharing so much hints and infos. I'll try them.

    ATM I am struggling a bit with the vim plugin system ... But I just have to dive a bit more into the docs. Till now it more like an try'n'error thing :D
  • 1
    @Rohr i suggest vundle, its pretty easy to setup and its not hard to make it install on the first vim run on a new machine
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