
If anyone has ANYTHING to say about the language C plz do i want to know what the dev community thinks?

  • 3
    Aye, its got its uses....

    Just don't fucking run it on anything but a toaster.

    I'm tired of seeing shit that could run c++, running c because someone was lazy to learn a new language.
  • 4
    Useful for it's time and still useful and used in microdevices.

    Nice language to learn programming on a very basic level.

    For most real world applications, niche cases aside, i would use something else.
  • 2
    "not useful"

    yeah not like every microcontroller uses c
  • 2
    C is actually quite fun,
    but for most real-world cases people will go with c++.

    Except for microdevices where c++ is not an option.

    Some people will argue to write c++ libraries in c so they are more compatible. This just leads to horrible code (look at OpenGL, where nothing is type safe because 99% of identifiers are unsigned int's meaning you can feed every identifier into every function)
  • 2
    Old but gold
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