
Hey so I have to make something using both angular and rails and I wanna ask. After I manage to get angular running on rails, do I just proceed to build what I wanted on angular normally? Or is there a special way I have to do.

I'm learning to build something but I can't find specific guides on how to combine those to do so.

So I've found how to make it without rails. And how to link angular and rails. My plan is to learn both seperately then add. Will that work?

Sorry. My words are muddled. I'm just so tired.

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    Yeah, learning seperately sounds good. Cause you learn from your mistakes and logic flaws, which leads to maintaining both your frontend and backend. You can make your frontend app and fake all your calls for time being. Make sure to keep all of this logic in a central space, so you can switch easily to an actual working backend. When building the frontend, you are already thinking about what data you are going to need. On the Rails part: i love Rails, but be sure to check out Django (Python) too. In my country there are more Django jobs than Rails jobs available. I like them both, but Django a little bit better. They are really similar.
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    Oh and for the frontend, why Angular? Nothing against Angular, but i prefer Vue or React more :) If you learn React, it’s a small step to React Native, so you can also develop an app that uses your Rails backend!
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