Sales guys

  • 45
    So true. But screw ‘em. My day ends at 4, i don’t live for their deadlines.
  • 15
    I "heard" the sales guy with Dr. Farnsworth's voice (@futurama)...
  • 7
    good damn how I hate time limitations..

    welcome to duckRant btw xD
  • 8
    If sales want to pitch in and do some programming they are more than welcome to set deadlines... otherwise my day starts at 9 and finishes at 5
  • 2
    Fuckin sales guys
  • 5
    @lotd "good news" triggers that imagination really well, not to mention that I could see him doing something like this if he ran a web shop 😂
  • 0
    In my office it was happened today....😀😀
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