I've been browsing devRant for a while now, and it's a really warm community, so i wanted to ask a question. I want to get into C programming and don't know where to start. Could someone point out somewhere good to start?

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    Give http://cprogramming.com a try

    Though, try to stick to, and learn, standard ANSI C first, stay away from proprietary extensions.

    If you're willing to spend $50 on a book I know the perfect training book for you.
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    @YoungWebRebelz Thanks, I'll look at the website. What book are you thinking of?
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    Maybe I should have stated that i have played with C and know the syntax, I'm looking into memory management and more advanced stuff.
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    @Supernerd - the book I was mentioning is the following: http://amazon.com/gp/aw/...

    However, for a free online "book" take a look at: http://c.learncodethehardway.org/bo...
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    @Supernerd This'll be a fun assignment for you; http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/...
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    book KnR. next stop: multi threading, sockets, data structures. then refer some books related to coding practices. then learn a little assembly. volaaaaas
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    The one I started on was a c++ primer. If they have an edition for C I would recommend that. The hardest part is actually keeping busy and finding projects. My first one was a text based console game. Just keep motivated and dedicated to the cause.
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    you can try to implement a command line tool for devrant, plz make it open source. also u can create something like imgcat of iterm2 for linux. and then most of us will be able to access devrant in our terminal ;)
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    @rookiemaverick I'd love to give it a try, but I would have to get access to all tje rants in some way... If i start a public git repo, how about we do it together?
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    Lynda.com has taught me many things. Their content quality is great. must browse through their library and take their c/c++ course.
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    learn C in 21 days, that's the book that helped me to get C very clearly!
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    To me it is the best book, although it is quite old...
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