
I️ cannot tell if it’s good or bad to have my own coding style guide that might go against convention

  • 8
    Screw convention (unless you like it) but maintain consistency!
  • 3
    I feel if the coding style can be defined using a linter configuration that shows red lines in an ide then it is conventional enough. If it has to be written in a doc that nobody will read might be worth reconsidering.
  • 4
    Honestly, quite a bit of the accepted styling conventions are kinda ugly.
  • 1
    @arcadesdude I️ feel like you can tell a lot about who someone is through their choice in formatting
  • 0
    @init yes, or lack thereof :D
  • 1
    Ultimately, it's this, in an existing project (or a company project if there's established styles and conventions for the company) match the styles and conventions used.

    In your own projects, you set the rules, so use styles and conventions you prefer (and make everyone else conform).
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