PyCharm's Warning: "Function name should be lowercase for PEP8 naming conventions."

Do Python developers not like camel case function names?

  • 3
    It's not about liking or not liking ways to code but if everybody used different coding conventions the code would become harder to read and write. Better to follow standard guide lines if there's one.

  • 2
    I think you can use PascalCase for class names iirc
  • 3
    PEP8 warnings can fuck right off. I will use camelcase if I goddamn feel like it, and if some mouth breathing pedant doesn’t like it, they can fuck off. Both forms are perfectly easy to read.

    The only important thing is, if you are writing classes that will be used by other people, to be consistent one way or the other. Don’t be like PHP and mix-and-match as you feel like it.

    But that’s not something the fucking IDE/compiler/interpreter should be bitching about. Know your role and run the goddamn code.
  • 1
    Problem is, IDEs like pycharm think that there is only one pep8 convention which are the explicit advisory when no naming convention is present for the package you're developing.

    PEP8 requires you to stick to the existing convention so long it is legible.

    Not PEP8 needs to fuck off but some IDE developers need to seriously fuck off.
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